Emma Casey Coaching

Master Transformational Life Coach ⚬ Master NLP Practitioner ⚬  Master Clinical Hypnotherapist 

Welcome to Emma Casey Coaching, where transformation begins! 

I’m Emma, mindset specialist and founder of this life coaching practice dedicated to helping you take control of your mindset, reconnect with your best self, and elevate your wellbeing. With a unique blend of expertise, I provide personalised coaching sessions designed to build resilience, overcome challenges, and rejuvenate both mind and body, empowering you to live the life you truly desire.

Why Choose Emma Casey Coaching?

Through a bespoke coaching program, you will be empowered to face your challenges head-on by closely examining your life through three vital and interconnected elements: Reconnection, Mindset, and Wellbeing.

Reconnection: Reignite meaningful bonds with yourself, others, or important aspects of your life that you've lost touch with.

Mindset: Transform your attitudes and beliefs to positively shape how you perceive the world and react to life's events.

Wellbeing: Achieve a holistic state of health, happiness, and prosperity, covering every aspect of your physical, mental, and emotional life.

These crucial elements support and complement each other, and with a few minor tweaks, you can achieve major transformations!

Are you ready to transform in 3 simple steps?

Ignite a powerful transformation and rediscover the incredible version of you that’s waiting to shine.

2. Master Your Mindset

Take better control of your thoughts and emotions, unleashing your inner resilience. 

3. Elevate Your Wellbeing

Rediscover your passions and boost your health and happiness, fuelling your zest for life. 

Ready to kickstart your transformation?  Book a FREE introduction call today!

Embark on a Transformative Coaching Journey

Your coaching journey begins by diving deep into your current mindset, paving the way for targeted improvements. We'll conduct a comprehensive overview of your life, identify gaps, and turn these gaps into actionable goals. These goals will be embedded across all areas of your life, creating a roadmap for exceptional success. You'll gain a profound understanding of how your mindset impacts your daily life.

Strengthen Your Reconnection and Boost Your Mindset

Life's experiences can sometimes cause us to lose our way. In our initial sessions, we'll focus on strengthening your reconnection and boosting your mindset. We'll explore and address any blocks preventing you from achieving this, recognising that these blocks can come from any area of your life. By working on reconnection and focusing on mindset, you'll see immediate improvements in your wellbeing.

Reunite with Your Values and Optimise Your Life

During our coaching journey, you will:

Dismantle Obstacles and Resolve Inner Conflicts

Together, we'll dismantle obstacles and resolve inner conflicts, understanding the blocks between you and your best life. You'll rediscover and reconnect with your best self. By delving into the roots of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you'll gain the power to create positive change and reshape your mindset and beliefs.

Develop Motivation, Confidence, and Resilience

We'll work on enhancing your motivation, confidence, and resilience, crucial for achieving success. You'll develop strategies to master your emotions in high-pressure situations, effectively managing stress, anxiety, and frustration. We'll also explore techniques to help you stay calm and perform at your best under pressure.

Harness the Power of Creative Visualisation

Discover the power of shaping your mindset through creative visualisation methods. By mentally rehearsing aspects of your life, you can enhance your skills, build confidence, and create a sense of familiarity with challenging environments. Additionally, we can leverage data from smartwatches or fitness trackers to pinpoint areas for enhancing your wellbeing.

Tailored Sessions for Lasting Change

Each coaching session is fully tailored to you, offering invaluable insights into your mindset. Every improvement we make is reinforced through life coaching, NLP techniques, and hypnotherapy, ensuring the changes are lasting.

"Take a moment to ask yourself where you will be in a year's time if you don't take action today!"

Book a call today. Let's do it! Your success story awaits. 

How do we achieve this?..

Transformational Life Coaching 

The missing piece between where you are now and where you want to be, transformational life coaching is a dynamic and holistic approach to personal development that goes beyond traditional coaching. We focus on facilitating profound and lasting change across your life, including mindset, behaviour, and overall wellbeing. Unlike conventional coaching that targets specific goals or challenges, transformational life coaching delves into the core beliefs and values that shape your life. It seeks to ignite a deep, internal transformation, enabling you to break free from limiting patterns, rediscover your authentic self, and create a more meaningful and purpose-driven life. Expect some thought-provoking and sometimes tough questions along the way, and you need to be ready to make changes and put in the effort to reap the benefits. It's important to remember that coaching isn't therapy or counselling, although the effects can be very therapeutic. We won't spend hours dissecting feelings, instead we'll focus on taking action. 


At the heart of our coaching sessions lies Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an incredible tool that helps you gain a greater understanding of yourself, most notably why you think and behave the way you do. This enhanced understanding allows you to better understand your place in the world while also giving you a deeper insight into those around you. NLP is like peeking behind the curtain of human behaviour, uncovering what makes us tick. It's an amazing tool that helps us improve communication, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve personal growth. NLP dives into how our brains (Neuro) process the words we use (Linguistic), and how that shapes our past, present, and future behaviours (Programming). Together we might find that to reach your goals, you've got to look at something from your past that's been holding you back. NLP helps us get to the heart of the matter and gives us the tools to understand and resolve those experiences. And guess what? The changes are both swift and long-lasting.


Hypnotherapy is like your secret weapon, seriously effective for a range of things from breaking habits, to dealing with pain, to giving your confidence a mega boost. Forget about those swinging pendulums and stage tricks you've seen! With hypnotherapy, you enter a super relaxed state, and it's like having a direct chat with your subconscious, where all your life experiences are held. That's where we work our magic to program in some life changing new beliefs.

EFT (Tapping)

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is based on the belief that a blockage in energy flow in the body is at the root of physical pain and emotional ups and downs. It's all about tuning into those negative feelings and gently tapping on specific spots on your upper body. This taps into your energy flow, helping you shake off both physical discomfort and emotional baggage. It's not all about the negative- you can also use EFT to tap in a round of positivity!